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  ¦wiatPodróży.pl » Wydarzenia » 50 lat zdobywania Mt. Everestu
50 lat zdobywania Mt. Everestu

A oto przykładowy list w języku angielskim:

National Geographic Society
PO Box 98199
Washington, DC 20090-8199

Dear Editor,

I’m writing regarding the May 2003 issue of National Geographic Magazine and its commemorative section dedicated to the conquest of Mount Everest, particularly the article title “The History” by Mr. Michael Klesisus.

I was very disappointed to find no information regarding at least one expedition lead by Polish climbers. This omission is puzzling to me, since on February 17, 1980 the Polish team of Leszek Cichy and Krzysztof Wielicki made history with the first winter ascent of Mount Everest. This great achievement began a new category of climbing Mount Everest and other Himalayan peaks- winter ascents. After this expedition, Sir Edmund Hillary met with the late Andrzej Zawada, the creator of this concept, to commemorate the innovative, groundbreaking and spectacular success. In turn, it was the Himalayan winter expeditions that Poles pioneered and made famous.

In its May issue National Geographic Magazine chose not to remind the world about this significant piece of history. I do not want to think that National Geographic Magazine purposely tried to hide the achievements of the Polish mountain climbers from the readers. Rather it appears that National Geographic Magazine has devoted a significant portion of their historical commemoration to expeditions that were media-popular, albeit less technically difficult than the first winter ascent. Indeed, achievements such as skiing down Mount Everest or the first climbing by a blind man are equally as important and impressive as the first winter ascent, though the latter did not receive the international publicity of the former. I can only hope that National Geographic Magazine does not use such criterion to underline only the successes of selected expeditions.

In hoping that this was simply a mistake on the part of the author’s historical archives or research, I request that the National Geographic Magazine publish a supplement to the article, “The History,” in one of its next issue. In this supplement the author can correct the regrettable misinformation and omission thereby proving that the National Geographic Magazine is dedicated to historical accuracy and journalistic integrity.


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